w e l c o m e
to the Mystery of Us...
🌟 TL;DR what if you were only in one conversation — and it was all the same one?
we all just...share in it??
how would we go about our lives living intentional conversation with our whole self, with the whole universe? how would it feel to be alçentian — to live in devotional play & harmony with all beings?
would that be possible if you were just honest, direct, and consistent in all your conversation? if you held your intention on the calling of your heart, while relaxing to take in all reception? to give of yourself abundantly and naturally?
what if that all happened here?
We have imagined the constraints so that you don’t need to.
you can just play the game. you can follow the prompting, discover peers, curate knowledge, sharpen yourself, and generate wealth in the form of direct, honest relationships of mutually-engaged peer play & cooperation.
anything can arise from this remix.
we are all playing one game, and so we agree to the following:
we are peers — common and unique, basic & divine. we treat each other with kindness and curiosity. we are students — learning from each conversation we are magic — co-emergent reality
what can you expect from playing this game?
what could 100 true peers do?
if you play this game for a dedicate length of time, you can expect to find at least 100 true peers.
these would be mutual, emergent, active, supportive, nurturing relationships forged across countless realms and memespheres — all those lives and conversations united by YOU.
the Unicity Point - the fulcrum - the point of view. the starting point — the empty table, the blank spot.
in other words, this game starts as an extreme equalizer.
all players are reduced to nothing.
annihilated. left only as a blank spot.
using this one artifact, your own will, wit, and time — you must generate wealth. transform nothing into something real, manifest, multidimensional, evolutionary, loving — YOURSELF.
give yourself to the game, and the game will give you back it all.
notice: below here is an older conversation from another time. venture further at your own risk of confusion.
what would it feel like to see yourself through the eyes of 100 true peers?
this number may or may not feel unfathomable from where you stand. i however; am certain it is within our reach in a relatively short manner of time.
the journey to 100 true peers will of course look, sound, and feel different to everyone who embarks on this Quest.
there are some core mindsets, practices, and skilltrees that can take us there & beyond: into the world of peerfulness - coherent & aligned wholeness, relating with authenticity, abundance, and harmony between all our fluid, diverse parts.
this is a journey into the depths of our soul. it is no mere undertaking, nor the siren of clout or the shallows of social networking.
this is a Quest to discover yourself &, in the process, release yourself into deeper & deeper commitment to your vow, to your soul, and to a life of partnership with the most beautiful people around you.
to facilitate this quest, im launching a game: the mystery of us.
10 people will be invited to play the first round. this is a time commitment of 1 month of daily play.
play will look like a 1 on 1 exchange with one other player - a gifting of hearts, so to speak.
what you can share will be highly constrained. the purpose of this is to focus our correspondence on the heart of what matters to us - and to prevent the cost of participation from rising by keeping noise to a minimum.
in short, you will pick one word / concept / phrase to dance with for the month - whatever feels most alive & close to your heart. you will be able to write up to 100 words to accompany your “record of self”, including & not limited to photos, audio recordings, and hyperlinks.
day 1 will this look like this:
you will share your record of self with a stranger on the path to 100 true peers. you will receive their record & they will receive yours. you will engage in a VIEW conversation exploring what wants to arise / emerge between you. you will write a reflection & endnotes to resolve the container.
and that will be the game.
day 2 you will play with another person. you will repeat the process of exchange. you will spot new connections from past dialogues. and the web of meaning, connection, direct perception, and mutual composition will continue to grow and expand.
we will have a weekly check-in. we will share all records publicly in one space.
at the end of the month, we will discuss how we want to proceed.
im planning to offer 10 cohorts of 10. those who join first will have supercharged journeys to 100 peers.
all is open to change & reformation based on feedback from partners & peers over time.
if you’d like to join the first Quest - apply to play the Mystery of Us.
what will be your word?
what are your intentions for being here?
are you committed to showing up fully to each round of play?
how will you take this work forward into your life?
are you interested in being a steward / collaborator of this project in the future, including & not limited to the expansion & formalization of a cooperative program?
thanks for giving us a read!
reach out to moi w any questions
love, river
Field Guides:
- The Art of Allyship
- Visakanv FAN
- A Pattern Language
- Boundaries
- Alignment
- VIEW What's launching
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Who is the intended user/audience?
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Release date
One-line pitch
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Outreach plan
Are you going to proactively announce this? Or reactively manage inbound if users have questions? Both?
Why are we launching it?
Internal motivation can help you craft your external messaging; why are we launching this?
Primary channels
Where are you landing your launch message? Examples could be Press Release, Blog, Social Media, Sales Team, Support Team, etc.
Fuller detailed version of what’s launching. Include GIFs & images here! If before/after matters, try to get an image of both!
GIFs or images
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What questions can we get ahead of via our messaging? What do we need to have pre-answered for inbound questions?